4 November 2021
Community Information
Chemical CleanOut Event
Hawkesbury City Council’s Free Chemical CleanOut for 2021 will be held on Saturday, 4 December 2021 from 9am to 3:30pm, at Hawkesbury Showground, Racecourse Road, Clarendon, entry via Gate 1.
This is your chance to make your family home safer by removing old gas bottles, unused chemicals and fuels. You will also be protecting our local environment and waterways by responsibly disposing of your potentially hazardous household chemicals.
Free drop off for all your household chemicals including:
- Garden and Household Chemicals
- Poisons
- Car and Household Batteries
- Paint
- Motor oils, fluids, and fuels
- Fluro Lights
- Gas Bottles and fire extinguishers
- Smoke Detectors
- For more information visit www.cleanout.com.au or call the EPA on 131 555.
Council Meetings
- Tuesday 9 6:30PM Ordinary
- Tuesday 23 6:30PM Ordinary
Development Applications Recently Determined
The Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined. Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.
- DA0004/21-90 March Street, RICHMOND-Pub - Demolition of the existing structures and the construction of a pub and hotel and motel accommodation-Withdrawn
- DA0010/21-675 Windsor Road, VINEYARD-Demolition of Existing Outbuilding on Lot 14 and Construction of New Outbuilding - Cattle Shed on Lot 15-Approved
- DA0183/21-29 Old Sackville Road, WILBERFORCE-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0243/21-9 Burrell Road, PITT TOWN-Dwelling House - Swimming Pool and Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0249/21-663 Windsor Road, VINEYARD-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Swimming Pool-Approved
- DA0263/21-16 Wilkinson Street, PITT TOWN-Dwelling House, Swimming Pool, Outbuilding and Cabana-Approved
- DA0270/21-143 Yobarnie Avenue, NORTH RICHMOND-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0432/20-17 Windsor Street, RICHMOND-Medical Centre-Approved
- DA0488/19-8 Ti-Tree Place, WILBERFORCE-Industry - LPG Tank, Six Silos and Weighbridge-Refused
- DA0537/19-689 Windsor Road, VINEYARD-Dwelling House - Demolition of Existing Structures and Construction of Dwelling House, Swimming Pool and Tennis Court-Approved
- S960050/21-9 Pendergast Street, PITT TOWN-Modification to Development Consent - DA0362/19 - Design Amendments-Approved
- S960056/20-675 Windsor Road, VINEYARD-Modification to Development Consent - DA0546/18 - Reduction in cattle roaming area-Approved
All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking via the Council
Positions Vacant
- Personal Assistant - SS002SS
- ProjectEngineer - IS085CM
- Manager Property Management and Strategy SS016PS
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