24 June 2021

Hawkesbury City Council JR0554


Tenders are invited for the Provision of Internal Audit Services and will be received up to 3:00pm on Wednesday 14 July 2021.

Council (the Principal) is seeking Tenders from appropriately qualified and experienced organisations or individuals to provide Internal Audit Services for the period ending 30 June 2024, with the option to renew the agreement for a further 2 x 1 year(s) periods at the sole option of the Council.

Tender documents are available at Council’s Administration Building at 366 George Street, Windsor from Tuesday 22 June 2021 for a non-refundable fee of $100 (incl. GST) or available free at WSROC e-tendering website at https://tenders.nsw.gov.au/wsroc/.

Tenders may only be submitted by the means described in the tender documents and must be received by the closing time. Late tenders will not be accepted.

The canvassing of Councillors will automatically disqualify the applicant from the tender process.

For further information, please contact Gordon Sainsbury, Coordinator Procurement on (02) 4560 4470.

Consulting the Community

Woodbury Reserve Plan of Management & Masterplan

Members of the community are invited to provide comment on the draft Plan of Management and Landscape Masterplan for Woodbury Reserve, Glossodia. The plans have been developed in consultation with the community and will guide how the park may be used, managed and improved in the future.

The draft documents can be found at www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au and at Council’s Administration Building at 366 George Street, Windsor.

You can have your say by any of the following methods:
* Online: By completing an online submission via Your Hawkesbury Your Say at www.yourhawkesbury.com.au

* Email: council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
* Mail: PO Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756

The last day for the receipt oAdf submissions is Friday, 6 August 2021.

Development of these plans does not represent a formal commitment to funding. These plans will be guiding documents; their main purpose is to ensure that any future works within the park will be consistent with the overall vision for the park. It is not anticipated that full development of the park will be completed in the short to medium term.

For more information please contact Council’s Parks and Recreation Manager on telephone (02) 4560 4444.

Council Meetings

Tuesday 29 Ordinary 6:30pm

Tuesday 13 Ordinary 6:30pm
Tuesday 27 Ordinary 6:30pm

Development Applications Recently Determined

The Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined.

Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.

  • DA0045/21-21 Eden Circuit, PITT TOWN-Construction of Dwelling House and Conversion of Existing Outbuilding to Dwelling-Approved
  • DA0076/21-107 Belmont Grove, NORTH RICHMOND-Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0081/21-34 Hanlons Road South, BILPIN-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Stable Building-Approved
  • DA0089/21-3 Pansy Crescent, NORTH RICHMOND-Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0108/21-35 Old Sackville Road, WILBERFORCE-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding-Approved
  • DA0130/20-189 Windsor Road, VINEYARD-Motel - Demolition of Existing Structures, Construction of a Two Storey Motel Building Containing 80 Rooms, Basement Car Parking and Landscaped Areas-Withdrawn
  • DA0320/19-14 Pinnacle Rise, NORTH RICHMOND-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Retaining Wall-Withdrawn
  • DA0375/20-50 Castlereagh Road, WILBERFORCE-Dwelling House - Alterations, Additions, Outbuilding and Swimming Pool-Approved
  • S960021/21-5 Eden Circuit, PITT TOWN-Modification of Development Consent DA0311/18 - Design Amendments-Approved
  • CDC0006/21-17 Holborrow Avenue, HOBARTVILLE -Detached Secondary Dwelling-Approved

All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking via the Council
Website at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/development/developmentapplications/
application-tracking or in person at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor. Opening hours are 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Positions  Vacant

Coordinator WHS GM008RM - Please see www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au for details and how to apply

Supervisor Wastewater Services IS033WM - Please see www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au for details and how to apply

Page ID: 184088

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