10 September 2020

Consulting the Community

Exhibition of Draft Flood Policy 2020 and Draft Works in Kind Policy

Hawkesbury City Council has recently prepared the Draft Flood Policy 2020 and the Draft Works in Kind Policy.

The Draft Flood Policy 2020 has been prepared to highlight Council’s position in respect of the need for a collaborative approach across all levels of government to respond to issues associated with floodplain management across the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley, and to set the information and development controls to be used for the preparation and assessment of Development Applications for land affected by the 1 in 100 year flood event to address the requirements of Clause 6.3 Flood Planning of Hawkesbury Local Environmental Plan 2012.

The Draft Works in Kind Policy has been prepared to establish a framework for Works in Kind Agreements in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

At its meeting on 11 August 2020, Council resolved to place the abovementioned draft policies on public exhibition.

The draft policies and supporting documentation are on public exhibition for the period Monday, 31 August 2020 to Monday, 28 September 2020.
The draft policies and supporting documentation can be viewed during the exhibition period on Council’s website www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au, Council’s online community engagement site www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au, or between 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday at Council’s Administration Office, 366 George Street, Windsor.

Written submissions in relation to the draft policies can be posted to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, WINDSOR NSW 2756, faxed to (02) 4587 7740, emailed to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au, or submitted via Council’s online community engagement site www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au.

The last day for the receipt of submissions is Monday, 28 September 2020.
Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the GIPA Act. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary but, if not provided, may affect consideration of the submission. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s record system.

Should you have any questions about the draft policies, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Section on (02) 4560 4444.

Exhibition of Draft Hawkesbury Employment Lands Strategy

Hawkesbury City Council has recently prepared the Draft Hawkesbury Employment Lands Strategy in order to address the Sydney Region Plan, and inform the Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement and subsequent review of the Hawkesbury Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan.

Once adopted by Council, the Draft Employment Lands Strategy will supersede the current Hawkesbury Employment Lands Strategy 2008.

The Draft Hawkesbury Employment Lands Strategy identified the following opportunities in Key Industry Sectors and Economic Anchors:
* agriculture
* freight network
* education
* Defence/RAAF Base Richmond
* equine
* tourism.

Key recommendations of the Draft Hawkesbury Employment Lands Strategy include:
* agribusiness: working with stakeholders in Clarendon to progress the agricultural strength of the local government area
* developing new research, development, employment and career pathways for local residents and students, particularly in relation to sustainable fresh produce processing.
* supermarket, hospitality and bulky good floor space: as population projections and retail spending analysis indicates these types of commodity goods will be in the most demand in the future
* small scale healthcare providers: to support the local population as it ages
* small scale commercial services: such as local accounting and law firms, that provide a ‘population serving commercial role’ in centres
* light industry and urban services: given the wealth of industrial lands in the local government area the focus should be towards developing a diversity of lots and attracting smaller operators in order to be in a position to address the competition from other industrial lands in Western Sydney that are better connected
* tourism: given the existing strategic intent in planning documents to grow this industry and the wealth of assets (nature/fresh produce/heritage) that already exist in the local government area.

At its meeting on 11 August 2020, Council resolved to place the Draft Hawkesbury Employment lands Strategy on public exhibition.

The Draft Hawkesbury Employment Lands Strategy and other supporting documentation is on public exhibition for the period Friday 11 September 2020 to Monday 12 October 2020.
The Draft Strategy and supporting documentation can be viewed during the exhibition period:

* Council’s online community engagement site www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au
* on Council’s website www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au, or
* between 9.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday at Council’s Administration Office, 366 George Street, Windsor.

Written submissions in relation to the Draft Strategy can be:

* submitted via Council’s online community engagement site www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au
* posted to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, WINDSOR NSW 2756,
* faxed to (02) 4587 7740, or
* emailed to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au.

The last day for the receipt of submissions is Monday 12 October 2020.
Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the GIPA Act. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary but, if not provided, may affect consideration of the submission. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s records system.

Should you have any enquiries with respect to this matter, please contact Andrew Kearns, Manager Strategic Planning on (02) 4560 4604 or Sunehla Bala, Strategic Land Use Planning Coordinator on (02) 4560 4544.

Exhibition of Draft Hawkesbury Local Housing Strategy

Hawkesbury City Council has recently prepared the Draft Hawkesbury Local Housing Strategy in order to set a clear plan for housing in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area for the next 10 and 20 years.

Preparation of a Local Housing Strategy is a State Government requirement of all councils in Metropolitan Sydney. Local Housing Strategies must address the Sydney Region Plan and Western City District Plan, including housing targets. They must also align housing growth with the necessary supporting infrastructure and social services. Strategic studies such as this are required to inform the development of the Local Strategic Planning Statement.

Key recommendations of the Draft Hawkesbury Local Housing Strategy include:

* Focus new housing growth in urban release areas and encourage some smaller dwellings in these areas to increase housing diversity
* Maximise the potential of existing urban lands
* Increase the supply of smaller dwellings in both established and new areas
* Continue to expand affordable housing options and further enhance Council’s existing Affordable Housing Policy, including Council’s involvement with the preparation of the Western City Affordable Housing Strategy
* Maintain a long term supply of residential land by investigating potential new urban areas
* Develop a program to monitor housing land supply and housing delivery
* Address homelessness through continued implementation and updates to the Homelessness Action Plan.
* Consideration of the provision of Detached Dual Occupancies and Secondary Dwellings through a place based approach that considers the recommendations of the Hawkesbury Rural Lands Strategy

At its meeting on 11 August 2020, Council resolved to place the Draft Hawkesbury Local Housing Strategy on public exhibition.

The Draft Hawkesbury Local Housing Strategy and other supporting documentation is on public exhibition for the period Friday 11 September 2020 to Monday 12 October 2020.
The Draft Strategy and supporting documentation can be viewed during the exhibition period:

* Council’s online community engagement site www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au
* on Council’s website www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au, or
* between 9.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday at Council’s Administration Office, 366 George Street, Windsor.

Written submissions in relation to the Draft Strategy can be:

* submitted via Council’s online community engagement site www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au
* posted to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, WINDSOR NSW 2756,
* faxed to (02) 4587 7740, or
* emailed to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au.

The last day for the receipt of submissions is Monday 12 October 2020.
Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the GIPA Act. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary but, if not provided, may affect consideration of the submission. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s records system.

Should you have any enquiries with respect to this matter, please contact Andrew Kearns, Manager Strategic Planning on (02) 4560 4604 or Sunehla Bala, Strategic Land Use Planning Coordinator on (02) 4560 4544.

Local Government Act 1993Notice of Public Hearing – Reclassification of Land - Lot 2 & 3 DP 582878 - 1913 & 1905 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong Heights

Council must hold a public hearing so that the community’s views can be heard about a
proposal to reclassify Lot 2 & 3 DP 582878 - 1913 & 1905 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong Heights from community to operational land.

The Public Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday 7 October 2020 at 5:30 pm
The hearing will be chaired by an independent person from Locale Consulting.

Due to current social distancing requirements, the hearing will be held online using the Zoom platform.

Interested persons need to register with Council by Friday 2 October 2020 to:
* virtually attend or listen to the hearing
* make a submission at the hearing

via the following link:


Registered participants will be provided guidelines to participate in the Public Hearing.

Documentation providing details of the proposed Reclassification of Land can be viewed:
* on Council’s website www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au or
* between 9.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday at Council’s Administration Office, 366 George Street, Windsor.

Should you have any enquiries with respect to this matter, please contact Andrew Kearns, Manager Strategic Planning on (02) 4560 4604 or Sunehla Bala, Strategic Land Use Planning Coordinator on (02) 4560 4544 or email enquiries to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au


Council Meetings


Tuesday 22 6:30PM Ordinary

Tuesday 29 6:30PM Ordinary


The Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined.

Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.
  • DA0106/20-1 Pathfinder Way, NORTH RICHMOND -Subdivision - Community Title - 47 lots
    Subdivision - Community title subdivision of the seniors housing development to create 47 residential lots-Approved
  • DA0164/20-425 George Street, WINDSOR -Office Premises - Change of Use of Part of Railway Station Building and Signage-Withdrawn
  • DA0193/20-16 Wells Street, PITT TOWN -Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding-Approved
  • DA0209/20-130 Yobarnie Avenue, NORTH RICHMOND -Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Retaining Wall-Approved
  • DA0219/20-63 Contour Way, NORTH RICHMOND -Dwelling House and Retaining Walls-Approved
  • DA0490/19-22 Bellbird Crescent, BOWEN MOUNTAIN -Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Retaining Wall and Fencing-Approved
  • S960007/20-39 Teviot Street, RICHMOND -Modification to Development Consent DA0698/14 - Strata to Torrens Title Subdivision Dual Occupancy and Subdivision - Section 4.55 Amendment - Modifications to the consent for the construction and subdivision of a detached dual occupancy development-Approved
  • S960068/20-315 Windsor Street, RICHMOND S96 Modification to DA0326/19 - Delete Condition 7-Approved

All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking via the Council Website at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/development/developmentapplications/application-tracking or in person at Council’s Administration  Building, 366 George Street, Windsor. Office hours are 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Positions Vacant

Casual Learn to Swim Instructors IS062PR - Please see www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au for details

Casual Pool Attendants IS028PR - Please see www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au for details

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