15 October 2020

Consulting the Community


Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 29 September 2020 resolved to publicly exhibit the Draft Vineyard Precinct Section 7.11 Developer Contributions Plan-Reviewed. The Draft Plan will be on public exhibition from Friday, 16 October to Monday, 16 November 2020.

Commencing in January 2018 following the release of the Vineyard Precinct rezoning by the NSW State Government, the Draft Vineyard Precinct Section 7.11 Contributions Plan was subsequently prepared by Council, exhibited between May-June 2018 and considered by Council in August 2018.

The Draft Vineyard Precinct Section 7.11 Contributions Plan was submitted for IPART Review in November 2018, and was exhibited twice by IPART (May and September 2019) for comment prior to releasing the Final IPART Recommendations Report in November 2019. The IPART Final recommendations have now been considered by the Minister of Planning’s Delegate who has provided Directions to Council with respect to amendments to the Draft Plan.

The Draft Vineyard Precinct Section 7.11 Developer Contributions Plan has been amended to reflect the Directions issued by the Minister’s Delegate. A summary of the key Directions issued by the Minister’s Delegate includes:
  • Reduce Boundary Road costs by $1.9M
  • Increase Collector Road costs by $2.5M
  • Increase costs of Roundabouts by $1.6M
  • Increase costs of cycleway crossings by $0.54M
  • Add costs of Channel Stabilisation within the Killarney Chain of Ponds $2.1M
  • Reduce contingency costs for stormwater infrastructure by $0.4M
  • Increase Open Space Embellishment costs by $2.8M
  • Use Council Valuation for Land acquisition of land and not IPART assessment – increase costs by approximately $11M
  • Amend Plan to reflect latest interest costs
The Draft Vineyard Precinct Section 7.11 Developer Contributions Plan-Reviewed and supporting documentation can be viewed during the exhibition period:
Written submissions in relation to the Draft Vineyard Precinct Section 7.11 Developer Contributions Plan-Reviewed can be:
The last day for the receipt of submissions is Monday 16 November 2020.

Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Please quote Reference: Draft Vineyard Precinct S7.11 Developer Contributions Plan - Reviewed.

Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the GIPA Act. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary but, if not provided, may affect consideration of the submission. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s records system.

Should you have any enquiries with respect to this matter, please contact Andrew Kearns, Manager Strategic Planning on (02) 4560 4604 or Sunehla Bala, Strategic Land Use Planning Coordinator on (02) 4560 4544.

Council Meetings


Tuesday 27 Ordinary 6:30PM


Tuesday 10 Ordinary 6:30PM

Tuesday 24 Ordinary 6:30PM

Development Applications Recently Determined

The Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined.

Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.
  • DA0161/20-66 Drummond Street, SOUTH WINDSOR - Industries - Demolition of Existing Awning and Construction of Awnings-Approved
  • DA0257/20-69 Flannery Avenue, NORTH RICHMOND -Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0259/20-27 Hall Street, PITT TOWN -Dwelling House - Swimming Pool, Cabana & Outbuilding-Approved
  • S960032/20-21 Boundary Road, GLOSSODIA -Modification of Development Consent - DA0117/18 - Relocation of Water Storage Facility and Extension of Time Period Relating to Rural Workers Dwelling-Approved
All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking via the Council
Website at https://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-build/current-and-past-applications/da-tracking
application-tracking or in person at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor. Office hours are 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Development Proposal

Lot 1 DP 1033597 ,2988 Bells Line Of Road BILPIN NSW 2758

Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for Intensive Plant Agriculture - Use as Market Garden, Use of Existing Structures, Construction of Farm Buildings and Sediment Nutrient Pond at the above property. The applicant is Ruiqiang Zhong. Hawkesbury City Council is the consent authority.

The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period 15/10/2020 to 16/11/2020. All plans and details may be inspected between 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday, at Council's Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor.

During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference DA0288/20. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.

Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.

Under Section 10.4(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, any person who makes a submission to Council is required to disclose any political donation or gift. Any submission made is to be accompanied by a Political Donation and Gift Disclosure Statement. This statement is available from Hawkesbury City Council.

If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed. Matters such as privacy, overshadowing and impact on adjoining owners are a normal part of our assessment.

Enquiries: Sanzida Alam (02) 4560 4571.

Lot 2 DP 1113267, 71 Boundary Road GLOSSODIA NSW 2756

Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for Intensive Plant Agriculture -Construction of a Sediment Pond and Farm Building at the above property. The applicant is Steven Sammut. Hawkesbury City Council is the consent authority.

The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period 15/10/2020 to 16/11/2020. All plans and details may be inspected between 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday, at Council's Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor.

During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference DA0297/20. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.

Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.

Under Section 10.4(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, any person who makes a submission to Council is required to disclose any political donation or gift. Any submission made is to be accompanied by a Political Donation and Gift Disclosure Statement. This statement is available from Hawkesbury City Council.

If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed. Matters such as privacy, overshadowing and impact on adjoining owners are a normal part of our assessment.

Enquiries: Sanzida Alam (02) 4560 4571.

Please change all office hours to 9:00am to 4:00pm

Integrated Development Proposal

Lot 4 DP 285388 ,157C Cabbage Tree Road GROSE VALE NSW 2753

Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for Dwelling House - Dwelling House - Alterations & Additions, Use of Outbuilding, Pool and Retaining Walls at the above property. The applicant is Shayne Paul Coffey . Hawkesbury City Council is the consent authority.

The proposed development is defined as integrated development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 because an approval under the Water Management Act 2000 is required. The approval body is the Natural Resources Access Regulator.

The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period 15/10/2020 to 16/11/2020. All plans and details may be inspected between 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday, at Council's Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor.

During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference DA0291/20. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.

Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.

Under Section 10.4(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, any person who makes a submission to Council is required to disclose any political donation or gift. Any submission made is to be accompanied by a Political Donation and Gift Disclosure Statement. This statement is available from Hawkesbury City Council.

If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed. Matters such as privacy, overshadowing and impact on adjoining owners are a normal part of our assessment.

Enquiries: Ashleigh Doughty (02) 4560 4553.

Lot 5 & 6 DP 25173, 28 Harkness Road OAKVILLE NSW 2765

Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for - Subdivision - Earthworks, Construction of Roads, Service Infrastructure, Two Stage Subdivision to Create 78 Torrens Title Lots and One Residue Lot at the above property. The applicant is Allam Development No 1 Pty Limited. Hawkesbury City Council is the consent authority.

The proposed development is defined as integrated development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 because an approval under the Water Management Act 2000 is required. The approval body is the Natural Resources Access Regulator.

The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period 15/10/2020 to 12/11/2020. All plans and details may be inspected between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday, at Council's Administration Office, 366 George Street, Windsor.

During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference DA0283/20. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.

Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.

If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed. Matters such as privacy, overshadowing and impact on adjoining owners are a normal part of our assessment.

Enquiries: William Pillon on (02) 4560 4424.

Positions Vacant

Learn to Swim Instructors IS062PR - Please see www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au for details

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